Good evening everyone! or good morning depending on when your reading this, so September is my favourite month because it's my birthday month!!!! So I thought I would share some of the items that I would like, of course i'm aware that I can't get everything I really want (Louis Vuitton bag.... maybe one day) but this is a realistic birthday Wishlist, so let's begin.
So if you follow me on Instagram or Twitter you would of seen a couple of weeks back that I was eyeing up the Olivia Burton watches, I first saw them when I was down in London and I fell in love with them, I have three favourites they are:
From left to right
Winter Garden Mirror Floral Burgundy and Gold: This is a beautiful (well they are all beautiful) burgundy leather strap, with gold framing, which includes a lovely floral pattern, this would be a great accessory for the Autumn/Winter, this watch costs £80.00.
Flower Show Dusty Pink and Gold: Now this watch is again beautiful, but is smaller than the rest which can be a good thing, instead of having a round face like the other two this has a square face, but that's what makes this watch unique and one of the reasons why I love it, again this has a leather strap in a gorgeous dusty pink shade, with gold detailing and a floral face, this watch costs £70.00
Animal Motif Owl Mint and Gold: Now this watch is moving away from the floral theme and gone to side of my animal loving side, this has a leather strap again but in this unique minty blue colour which is different, again with gold framing, but the difference is it has a beautiful owl design on the face, this watch costs £80.00.
Moving onto a perfume that every time I go into the fragrance section of a shop I instantly smell and it is the Stella McCartney Eau de Toilette, this is a beautiful perfume and it's not usually the kinda of perfume I go for but it's a beautiful fresh, sexy but young fragrance.
I've also been having a nosey in my local Pandora Store and seen a few charms that I would like to add to my Pandora bracelet and they are:
Firstly is this pendant charm: Together Forever Pendant Charm, I find it so cute because it can be given to you by anyone, yet it's so simple but thoughtful at the same time and can have a lovely meaning behind it whenever given to you.
The next one is again bringing out my animal love with this lovely yet simple cat charm, it is actually called curious cat and it is adorable and is me all over.
And lastly this Louise Young LY34 Super foundation brush, this has been on my wish list for a while, and a brush I would love in my collection.
But with you can never go wrong with, The body shop, Lush or Soap and Glory sets because I love to pamper myself and even makeup because i'm kinda obsessed!!
The reason why I wrote this post, is because I thought I would share what i've been looking at recently and I like reading these blogposts because I'm nosey and like to see what people like, so I hope you enjoyed this post and i'll see you next time!
Thanks for reading

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