Sunshine Blogger Award | Hannah Jarvis
Hannah Jarvis

Tuesday 6 February 2018

Sunshine Blogger Award

I hope you had a wonderful weekend! I was kindly nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award last week by the lovely Melissa from the blog What She Loves (read her blog here). 


As a nominee for this award, I also have to follow the rules which are: 

1) Thank blogger(s) who nominated you in the blog post and link back to their blog.

2) Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.

3) Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.

4) List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or in your blog.

My Questions

So here are the following 11 questions I was given to answer by Melissa: 

1) If you could wake up anywhere in the world  tomorrow where would you choose? 
A safari with my family, would love to go to Giraffe Manor

2) What is your all time favourite film? 
Pretty Woman

3) Why did you start blogging and when? 
I started in July 2015 and basically because I had no one to talk beauty to (read my full story here)

4) If you could only wear one make up product for the rest of your life what would it be? 
Ooh probably concealer because a good concealer can work just as well as foundation

5) What is the best book you’ve read? 
Divergent series without doubt

6) What has been your favourite holiday/vacation? 
Probably Florida with my mum & dad

7) Top 3 Youtubers?
Lydia Millen 

8) Who was your childhood idol?
Bit of a random one maybe but Kimberly Walsh from Girls Aloud

9) Have you got any New Years resolutions? 
Yes to become more sustainable, so i've started not paying for plastic carry bags, I've purchased two material bags one from Primark and one from Tesco which a collaboration with Lulu Guinness. But another new year resolution is over come my fears, one i'm doing very soon and will be writing a whole blog post on! Read my full new year resolution post here. 

10) What is your blog about? 
Cruelty free beauty, with a bit of fashion and lifestyle.

11) Do you have any hobbies outside of blogging?
I'm actually a boring person but I would definitely say travelling. 

My Nominees 

So the 11 amazing bloggers I would like to nominate are: 
  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. Favourite Bloggers?
  3. Favourite Youtubers?
  4. Favourite Beauty Product
  5. If you could only visit one more place, where would it be?
  6. Any New Year Resolutions?
  7. Got anything excited planed for 2018?
  8. Favourite online shop?
  9. Favourite fashion piece?
  10. Worst beauty product you've tried last year?
  11. Name one experience off your bucket list? 

Thank you again Melissa for nominating me! I can't wait to read my nominees posts! 

Thank you for reading 

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