My Personal Dissertation Tips | Hannah Jarvis
Hannah Jarvis

Tuesday 11 September 2018

My Personal Dissertation Tips

My last post was a roundup of how I felt the year was and I mentioned then it was pretty stressful due to the most important piece of work I might ever write, let me introduce you to....DISSERTATION
Everyone has their own advice on this subject so let me share with you my personal tips to make this awful work a little more stress free.

1. Think about your dissertation question before entering your final year

This just stops any stressing right at the start of the year

2. Pick a topic you want to research or something your interested in

This will make your life so much easier if you are interested in what your researching

3. Have a couple of topic questions 

This again you need so you can discuss with your supervisor, which one will be suited to yourself.

4. Have plan for each part of the dissertation

This just helps everything

5. Have a timescale that you want everything completed by

This keeps yourself organised

6. Get the primary research done way in advance, especially surveys

I found myself rushing my survey's so think about primary research right at the beginning 

7. Have regular appointments with your supervisor 

I was lucky and had my supervisor every Wednesday, so I just stayed back after lecture to keep her up to date

8. Use Google Drive for backing up

So I wrote each part of my dissertation in a separate document, with a separate reference list for each section too, saved it all to Google drive- this meant I knew I wasn't going to lose anything. At the end I put it together into one final word document. 

9. Aim to finish your dissertation a good month in advance just so you can proof read

This was my aim but supervisor kept finding things to change, so make sure you are done way in advance just incase you have any changes too.

10. Order plenty of ink/paper!!

As you can imagine this happened to me I ran out of ink and paper on the day, I had to print and submit my dissertation, so always have backup. I was running round like an headless chicken!

There you have it my personal dissertation tips, please feel free to leave your suggestions in the comments! Quick mention to getting Dissertations bounded, just save the hassle and go to the library it won't cost a bomb, think both of mine cost £4! 

Thank you for reading






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