Welcome back and i'm now going to share part 2 of my Dubai travels!
The second instalment of the holiday saw us going to the Altanis Palm, where we went in the Lost Chambers and the Waterpark! One evening we went to the Burj Al Arab for cocktails at the sky view bar.
Highly recommend going to the Altanis Palm...it's an iconic building to see and so much fun while there! Moving onto the Burj Al Arab, the only 7* hotel in the world...the only way to get into the hotel is with a reservation for one of the many bars/restaurants, we decided to go to the famous Skyview bar..would I recommend? Well if you're a couple yes! If not then maybe not...because the only way to get the best seats in the house..by the window is to be in two, look we still had an amazing view for a three but when we saw space by the window mum asked if we could move and they said no because we are not a two! Something to think about as it is a lot of money! But my mum told them I was graduating and the fact it was my birthday (coming up been and gone now) and they gave me a rose which somehow I brought all the way back! Anyway enough rambling onto the pictures....
There you have it a few snippets of my Dubai holiday, coming back Tuesday to find out where I stayed etc!
Thank you for reading!
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