Hello Everyone! So by the time your reading this I would of arrived in London (very excited to get away for a bit) so I thought for today's blogpost I would do a tag because tags are always fun to do right? So the tag i'm going to do is the seven deadly sins of beauty tag (obviously otherwise the title wouldn't say that).
So let's begin!
- GREED- What is your most inexpensive beauty item? What is your most expensive ? A. I would say my most inexpensive beauty item that I use the most as well would be an Essence lipstick in natural beauty, it's a beautiful your lips but better colour and I get so much use out of it and they only cost like £2.99!!! Bargain!!! And my most expensive item would be beauty wise my Chanel vitalumiere aqua foundation which costs around £32.00!! but if we class skincare as beauty it would be my Clarisonic which is in the 100.
- WRATH- What beauty product do you have a love/hate relationship with?- The beauty product that I have a love/hate relationship would be probably eyeliner because I like how it looks but struggle to do it.
- GLUTTONY- What are your most delicious beauty products?- Probably my most delicious beauty products would be my Chanel Lipstick in Romance beautiful everyday pink and NARS lipgloss in Turkish Delight which a lovely baby pink.
- SLOTH- What beauty product do you neglect, due to laziness?- The beauty product that I neglect due to laziness would be eyeliner because I never bother to put it on my waterline or even try to do a cat eye.
- PRIDE- What beauty product gives you the most self confidence?- Ooh this is a hard one, hmm I think the beauty product that gives me the most self confidence would have to be mascara and a lipgloss or balm or some sort, this just helps you look more awake and put together in my opinion.
- LUST- What attributes do you find most attractive in the opposite sex?- I would have to say the attributes that I find most attractive in the opposite sex would have to be shoulders and upper arm, yes a strange one but it's just the fact of them being able to hold you tight and being able to feel safe (yes strange I know).
- ENVY- What item would you most like to receive as a gift?- This is a nice question, the item that I would most like to receive as a gift beauty wise would have to be the Zoeva ROSE GOLDEN LUXURY SET I just think this makeup brush set is beautiful and I have heard so many good reviews about it!
Like I said in the beginning, I am currently in London so if you want to keep update to date with what I am doing then follow me on twitter and instagram!
Thanks for reading and I will see all on Friday when I will be sharing what I have been loving throughout the month of August!
Have a great week!

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