So it's that time of the year again where everyone is starting a new chapter in their life, whether it's moving up into a new year or starting college or even university, so this year for me i'm starting university and I think i'm more nervous about starting uni than anything else i've done, I think it's because I really don't know what to expect, whereas with high school and college I did.
So here's a few tips that i've learnt along the way:
My main tip is to be organised, and the way I do this is by buying myself a planner, you can pick these up from anywhere such as Amazon, Waterstones and Whsmith, they are brilliant because some planners come with some great useful information such has help with finance, and useful websites, some people are scared to have one of these because they are scared that people will make fun of them but at the end of the day least you can keep on top of work which overall helps get better grades.
Buy a memory card, now this is obviously obvious but trust me the amount of people who don't and they don't back there work up and it comes to the day of handing in their assignments and they've lost their work is unbelievable, so make sure you buy one and take it to all your classes.
Have different files for different subjects or tutors either way you want to categorise all your work so when it comes to revising or something on a certain topic you know where it is.
I like to print any notes off so I can see them in front of me, it helps me to write revision cards, and write assignments.
This isn't really a tip but it's something i'm going to try and do is join a club, just incase you don't get on with anyone in your class, it's nice to join a club where people who are there usually like the same things.
And lastly at the end of the day you've just got to be YOU because people will respect you more for being you and not trying to pretend to be someone your not.
I hope whatever move your making into another year of education goes well, and for all you new starters there's nothing to be afraid of (even though I'm so nervous for uni), my final tip is work hard then the hard work will pay off!
Good Luck
Thanks for reading

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